According to one recent study, commuters can experience greater stress than fighter pilots or riot policemen! 75% of commuters say traffic is the main cause of their stress. By sharing the driving with others, you'll spend less time confronting traffic on your own. And that can do wonders for your health and well-being.
People who drive to work alone often complain of problems with short-term memory, impatience, less satisfaction with where they live and work, and difficulty coping with frustration. There is also evidence that stress can lead to more serious health problems, including heart attacks and strokes. The New York Times reported that stress can accelerate the aging of the body's cells at the genetic level.
With a less stressful commute, you'll be more productive when you get to the office. Instead of being drained, you'll have the energy to take control of your daily tasks and activities. What's more, if you choose, you can use your time in transit to get a leg up on work. Not only will you get more done during the day, you'll be more relaxed when you get home. And you won't be up at night dreading the next morning.
Studies show that stress and frustration levels rise with the length of one's commute. That's not good news for New Yorkers. According to a U.S. Census Bureau ranking of large cities, New York City has the highest average commute time in the nation (38.3 minutes). And four of the five counties that comprise New York City – Queens (41.7 minutes), Richmond (41.3 minutes), Bronx (40.8 minutes) and Kings (39.7 minutes) – have the longest average commute-to-work times. All the more reason to share a ride.